Origen On Amazon
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Now Available on Amazon in Britain Click for Origen at Amazon.co.uk:
Just in time for Halloween, we’ve partnered with talented thriller and suspense authors to bring you a ton of books to keep you on the edge of your seat, including ORIGEN: A True Story of Evil! To receive a free copy of ORIGEN as well as thrillers by other authors, just follow this link for […]
Peter Perry managed the Vic Tanny Health Club, which is where the serial killer, Russel Johnson worked out. More than that, it’s where he chose many of his victims.
Competition images of Peter Perry at the IPF Word Powerlifting Championships. November 7, 1980 in Arlington, Texas. Body weight of 207 pounds height 5ft9. Mike nods. “Won gold two years in a row,” Mike looks at Jessica. “Tell you what,” Mike begins, “When I go to the championship for the North American Powerlifting Competition, I’ll […]
Usually I’m a good judge of character. I started working out with weights at the London Central YMCA. I started at the age of sixteen and worked out at the Y for a number of years before the gym burned down to the ground. This gym produced a number of world powerlifting champions. This is […]